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2015年3月24日.中国石油天然气管道局(英文缩写为CPP,以下简称管道局)新一代全自动焊接装备CPP900电子元件通过实验室低温测试。CPP900包括坡口机、内焊机和外焊机,主要技术指标与世界最先进的美国CRC焊接装备相当,而成本只有CRC的60%。管道局已经实现了核心技术自有化、关键装备国产化、作业方式机械化,掌握了涵盖设计、施工、检测、维抢修、投产运行等管道工程全产业链的高端技术。跨平台油气管道SCADA系统软件.可同时适用于大型油气调控中心和站控系统,打破了国外垄断.性能达到或超过国际先进水平.成功应用于江西省天然气管网二期、坦桑尼亚天然气管道等项目。所建系统凭借操作界面友好、历史数据完整、控制安全有 March 24, 2015. China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau (CPP, hereinafter referred to as the Pipeline Bureau) a new generation of fully automated welding equipment CPP900 electronic components through the laboratory cryogenic test. CPP900 includes beveling machine, internal welder and external welder, the main technical indicators and the world’s most advanced American CRC welding equipment, and the cost is only 60% of the CRC. Pipeline Bureau has achieved the core technology self-localization, localization of key equipment, mechanization of operations, mastered the design, construction, testing, maintenance and repair, put into operation and other pipeline project of the whole industry chain of high-end technology. Cross-platform pipeline software SCADA system. Can be applied to large-scale oil and gas control centers and station control system, breaking the monopoly of foreign. Performance reached or exceeded the international advanced level. Successful application of natural gas pipelines in Jiangxi Province 2, Tanzania Natural Gas Pipelines and other projects . The system built by virtue of user-friendly interface, complete historical data, control safety
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碱金属作为助剂,能够调变催化剂的电子和结构性能,从而改善催化剂的活性。本工作中,我们研究了碱金属K的添加对Mn Ox/Ce0.65Zr0.35O2催化剂氧化甲苯的性能影响。结果表明,掺
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