【摘 要】
Mexican beech[Fagus grandifolia subsp.mexicana(Martinez)A.E.Murray]is a subspecies endemic to the Sierra Madre Oriental Mountains and considered endangered due to the low density of its populations and high degree of habitat fragmentation and environmenta
In some urban parks in Tokyo,semi-natural habitat patches are maintained as nature reserves for birds,called bird sanctuaries.Bird censuses and vegetation surveys were conducted in eight urban parks in Tokyo from December 2015 to July 2016 to determine th
Intercropping of mulberry(Morus alba L.)and alfalfa(Medicago sativa L.)is a new forestry-grass compound model in China,which can provide high forage yields with high protein.Nitrogen application is one of the important factors determining the production a
Five Larix species(L.griffithii,L.speciose,L.himalaica,L.kongboensis,and L.potaninii var.australis),have survived on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(QTP)under specific climate conditions for decades.The lack of genomic information seriously hinders research on
In Ethiopia,among many restoration efforts to reverse deforestation and land degradation,area exclosure is one of the most common practices to restore secondary forests with assisted natural regeneration.The present study in the S ekota district,northeast
我国在新的时代已经取得了经济建设,政治建设,文化建设,社会建设和生态建设了前所未有的成就,同时信息技术的飞速发展,兴起了以中国为代表的互联网技术的大潮,特别是人工智能和互联网 的发展。“AI”“5G”“智能汽车”等等这些热词正在大范围的改变着我们的生活和教育。在这种形势下我认为“互联网 其他领域”是一个不可逆转的大趋势,互联网能与任何一个行业或领域相结合,而互联网与教育的结合必然将孕育出一种新的教育形态,互联网+音乐教育说明以前传统的现实中的教学体制已不适应如今的教学现状,我们需要探索一种新型的结合时代潮
新高考之前,高中物理是理科生必不可少的科目之一,物理的分数是 110 分。新高考之后,高中物理也是许多的高中生选修的科目。选修了物理的高中生,物理是他们高考必考的科目之一,物理的高考成绩在一定程度也影响到了他们未来想要进入的学校是否会录取他们,物理的重要性生来说不言而喻。物理作为理科科目,是需要进行深入的思考的,具有高度的抽象性。对于许多的同学而言,物理都是比较难以学好、得高分的科目。由于物理难以学习,许多学生在课上就不太爱听讲,在老师的教学中参与度较低,大多数都是听老师讲,自己思考或者是深入探究的时间少
The article “Dynamic analysis of gene expression and determination of chemicals in agarwood in Aquilaria sinensis”,written by Zeqing Wu,Wanzhen Liu,Jing Li,Liangwen Yu and Li Lin was originally published elec-tronically on the publisher’s internet porta
Growth traits and genetic diversity of 23 provenances of Quercus rubra introduced from North America were analyzed in a provenance trial established with a randomized block design in Hwaseong,Gyeonggi,South Korea in 1993.Growth variables and survival at a