Activity of Azoxystrobin and SHAM to Four Phytopathogens

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pearlpink
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The study was conducted to make clear the activity of azoxystrobin to 4 plant pathogens and the synergistic effects of salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM), which acted on the alternative oxidase. It was also conducted to be aware of the mechanism of azoxystrobin in inhibition on mycelial respiration and the influence of SHAM. The activity test of azoxystrobin and SHAM was carried out with a mycelial linear growth test and spore germination test. Other related biological properties were also observed. Inhibition of azoxystrobin and SHAM on 4 pathogens was determined by using SP-II oxygraph system. Azoxystrobin inhibited mycelial growth in Colletotrichum capsici, Botrytis cinerea, Rhizoctonia solani, and Magnaporthe grisea, respectively; it also inhibited conidia germination, and conidia production in C. capsici, B. cinerea M. grisea, and sclerotia formation in R. solani. Moreover, it created stayed pigment biosynthesis in C. capsici and M. grisea somehow. Salicylhydroxamic acid enhanced inhibition by azoxystrobin. An oxygen consuming test of the mycelia showed that azoxystrobin inhibited all the 4 fungi’s respiration in the early stages. With the concentration rising up, the effectiveness increased. However, as time went on, the respiration of the mycelia treated with fungicides recovered and SHAM could not inhibit the oxygen consuming. This reaction between the mycelia and the fungicides appeared not to initiate alternative respiration but rather the other mechanism created a lack of efficacy. The study was conducted to make clear the activity of azoxystrobin to 4 plant pathogens and the synergistic effects of salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM), which acted on the alternative oxidase. It was also conducted to be aware of the mechanism of azoxystrobin in inhibition on mycelial respiration and the influence of SHAM. The activity test of azoxystrobin and SHAM was carried out with a mycelial linear growth test and spore germination test. Other related biological properties were also observed. Inhibition of azoxystrobin and SHAM on 4 pathogens was determined by using SP-II oxygraph system. Azoxystrobin inhibited mycelial growth in Colletotrichum capsici, Botrytis cinerea, Rhizoctonia solani, and Magnaporthe grisea, respectively; it also inhibited conidia germination, and conidia production in C. capsici, B. cinerea M. grisea, and sclerotia formation in R. solani. Moreover, it has been produced in pigment biosynthesis in C. capsici and M. grisea somehow. Salicylhydroxamic acid enhanced inhib ition by azoxystrobin. An oxygen consumption test of the mycelia showed that azoxystrobin inhibited all the 4 fungi’s respiration in the early stages. With the concentration rising up, the effectiveness increased. However, as time went on, the respiration of the mycelia treated with fungicides recovered and SHAM could not inhibit the oxygen consuming. This reaction between the mycelia and the fungicides was not to toggle
本文介绍关于采用长春新碱(VCR)治疗原发性血小板减少性紫癜20例疗效观察报告。方法:VCR 0.03mg/kg/次,每周一次,每四次为一疗程,休息一周,再重复一疗程,然后停药观察随访。
[摘要]随着档案载体形式以及档案管理理论的不断发展,档案管理工作已经出现了新的特点,面对新时期的新特点,档案管理部门必须结合新形势的发展,创新档案管理工作,实现档案管理工作的高效化、规范化与系统化。本文首先概述了档案管理创新的基本原则,进而分析了当前我国档案管理部门创新管理所面临的问题,最后有针对性的提出了解决完善措施,可以为档案管理创新工作提供合理的参考。  [关键词]档案管理;创新;问题;模式
《汉晋春秋》是东晋史学家、襄阳人习凿齿的代表作。习凿齿字彦威,约生于晋元帝建武元(三一七)前后,卒于晋孝武帝太元九年(三八四)。习凿齿之所以名垂后世,主要是因为他的史学名著《汉晋春秋》。然而令人遗憾的是,这部史书却在一千多年前散失了,仅存佚文一百多条 ,不足二万字,今人能看到的清人辑本,不过是断简残编,几近绝学。长期以来,史学界对《汉晋春秋》这本书甚少关注,除少数专修中国史学史者外,包括地方高校历
男11例,女1例。首次出现黄疸时年龄为1~30岁(15~25岁占75%)。均有黄疽,肝区不适3例,肝大1例,食欲不振2例,乏力1例。其中Gilbert 综合征6例,Dubiu-Johnson 综合征5例,Rotor 综