科研计划工作是科技管理工作的重要环节,其好坏关系着出成果出人才这一根本任务的能否胜利实现。本文拟就近十年来我所科研计划工作的薄弱环节及其改进办法谈点看法。 71—79年(缺73年的材料),我所科研计划包括主要用材和经济树种良种选育、速生丰产,主要森林病虫害防治,木材材性、林业机械、采脂及栲胶等课题共列123个。专业
Scientific research plan is an important part of science and technology management work, and its quality is related to the success or failure of achievement of the fundamental task of producing qualified personnel. This article intends to talk about the weak links in the work of our scientific research in the past decade and the ways to improve it. 71-79 years (73 years of lack of material), our scientific research programs include the main timber and economic tree species breeding, fast-growing and high yield, the main forest pest control, timber, forestry machinery, grease and soy sauce and other topics 123 profession