2002年12月10日,由南海市交通局研制开发的“广东省水路运输行业管理综合业务系统”顺利通过广东省交通厅组织的专家组验收,11日,广东省交通厅在南海市召开“水路运输行业管理综合业务系统推广使用会议”,要求全省交通系统全面推广该系统,确保全省在新年度的水运年审中使用新系统进行年审换证。 2002年初,南海市交通局在广东省交通厅的支持下,因应我国加入WTO后水运行业管理的变化,在原有水运管理信息系统的基础上进行“广东省水路运输行业管理综合业务系统”的研制开发。由南海市交通局与有关科技单位组成的项目开发研制小组按照交通部交通信息化“十五”规划及
December 10, 2002, developed by the South China Sea Bureau of Transportation “Guangdong Province water transport industry management integrated business system” passed the Guangdong Provincial Department of Transportation organized by the expert group acceptance, on the 11th, Guangdong Provincial Department of Transportation held in Nanhai City “ Water transport industry management integrated business system to promote the use of the meeting, ”requiring the province’s transportation system to fully promote the system to ensure that the province in the new year’s annual review of the use of water system for annual replacement certificates. In early 2002, under the support of Guangdong Provincial Department of Communications, Nanhai Bureau of Transportation implemented the “Integrated Traffic Management System in Guangdong Province” on the basis of the original management information system for water transport in response to the changes in the management of the water transport industry after China’s entry into the WTO. Development. According to the Tenth Five-Year Plan of Transportation Informationization of Ministry of Communications and project development team composed of Nanhai Bureau of Communications and related scientific and technological units