近年 ,有分析评价说 ,中国人没有忏悔的德行。从某种意义上讲 ,确实如此。十年文革 ,人人有责 ,却没有多少人包括知识分子人文学者们进行过象样的忏悔。这方面 ,我们比不上二战后的德国人 ,倒蛮象拒不认罪的日本鬼子。小鬼子与咱们同在什么东亚儒学文化圈 ,或者竟然和咱们同种
In recent years, some analysts have commented that the Chinese do not have the virtue of repentance. In a sense, it is true. During the ten-year Cultural Revolution, everyone was responsible, but not many people, including intellectuals and humanities, carried out decent repentance. In this respect, we are no match for the Germans after World War II, quite like the Japanese devils who refuse to admit their guilt. What devils are with us in East Asian Confucianism, or even with us