10-23脱氧核酶是一个具有催化互补RNA底物的小型DNA分子.基于以前的化学修饰研究成果,它的催化中心还有优化的空间以获得更强的催化能力.2'-脱氧腺苷的类似物5在A9位的取代和2'-脱氧鸟苷的类似物6在G2和G14位的取代,都能提升这个脱氧核酶的催化能力.我们在本文报道这两个化合物在这些位点的组合修饰,结果表明这些组合修饰的效果是具有位点依赖性的,在一些位点上观察到了加和效果.在催化位点附近的G1,G2和G14是高度保守的,但可以通过设计2'-脱氧鸟苷类似物进行单个取代或组合取代,来优化它们的贡献.因此,对于10-23脱氧核酶催化中心的功能基修饰,是优化其催化能力的一条可行的途径.“,”As a small catalytic DNA molecule,10-23 DNAzyme has cleavage ability against complementary RNA.Previous studies of chemical modification have shown that its catalytic core can be further optimized in order to obtain more powerful catalytic ability.The analogues of 2'-deoxyadenosine (5) and 2'-deoxyguanosine (6) could improve the cleavage ability of the DNAzyme when positioned at positions A9,G2 and G14 in the catalytic core,respectively.Moreover,their combinatorial incorporations were studied,the results implicated that the effect was position-dependent,and positive additive results could be achieved at some positions.The highly conserved G1,G2 and G14 could be optimized by single or combinatorial modification with 2'-deoxyguanosine analogues.Chemical modifications on the functional groups of the core residues would be a feasible approach for the optimization of 10-23 DNAzyme.