2005 年中考语文综合训练

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一、基础知识及运用(22分)1.古诗词中有许多描写古代人民辛勤劳作的句子,请写出连续的两句(课内外均可),字要工整美观。(3分),。2.请在横线上填写诗词名句。(8分)①大漠孤烟直,。(王维《使至塞上》)②问渠那得清如许,。(朱熹《观书有感》)③,似曾相识燕归来。(晏殊《浣溪沙》) First, the basic knowledge and use (22 points) 1. There are many ancient poems describing the hard work of the ancient people’s sentence, please write two consecutive sentences (both inside and outside the class can be), the word to neat and beautiful. (3 points),. 2. Please fill in the poems and lines on the lines. (8 points) 1 desert smoke alone,. (Wang Wei “to make it to the plug”) 2 ask canal so clear, so. (Zhu Xie “sense of books”) 3, like once met the return of Yan. (Yan Shu’s “Chai Xi Sha”)
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