钱钟书先生才富学广 ,淹通文史哲。他治学时并不把自己局缩在古典文学这个圈子里 ,更不以古典文学中的某一种专门之学自限。不过他在征引经史子集、打通古今中外的时候 ,却又能运用自如地操起古典文学研究中的多种专门之学———其中就有词学。但因他未有词作传世 ,且其著述中相对于古代诗歌、散文、小说、戏曲等 ,词的方面论述与征引较少一些 ,且因钞摘失检而引词时有疏误 ,遂给一些论者留下了钱氏“性不耐填词”、于词学“涉猎不广”和“措意稍少”的印象① 。实际上 ,钱氏于词学颇有造诣 ,且见解独到 ,其著作中有关词学的文字虽尚未能遍赅这门学问的方方面面 ,然已反映出他有自己的词体论和词史观 ,并对词的一些艺术手法有专门研究。这些关涉词学的文字 ,主要有三个方面的内容 :一、在与其他文体的比较研究中阐明了词 (特别是宋词 )的文体特征、题材内容、抒情特性、艺术源流及其在文学史上应占的地位 ;二、评论了词史上的一些重要作家和古代、近代的一些著名词论 ;三、介绍和评论了词的若干艺术表现手法、修辞技巧等等。梳理和总结钱氏关涉词学的这些论述 ,无疑会使我们大开眼界 ,从而去开拓新的研究领域 ,丰富和提升词学体系。
Mr. Qian Zhongshu Talent is rich in learning, literature and history and philosophy submerged. During his studies, he did not shrink himself into the circle of classical literature, nor did he limit himself to a particular kind of study in classical literature. However, when he sought the historical sub-collection and opened up all over the world, he was able to freely use a variety of specialized studies in classical literature --- among them, Ci-Ci. However, because there is no word for his handed down, and his writings relative to the ancient poetry, prose, fiction, drama, etc., the words of the discourse and less cited some, For some commentators, Qian’s “impatience with lyrics” has been left behind. His impression of “not pursuing extensively” and “cursory” In fact, Qian is quite accomplished in the study of Ci-poetry, and his opinions are unique. Although his works on Ci-poetry have not yet been able to cover all aspects of this study, it has been reflected that he has his own theory of Ci and Ci View, and the words of some artistic techniques have a special study. There are mainly three aspects in the texts about the study of Ci-poetry: First, the stylistic features, themes, lyrical features, artistic origins and their origins in the history of literature should be clarified in comparative studies with other styles Second, it reviews some important writers in the history of words and some famous words in ancient and modern times. Third, it introduces and comments on some artistic expressions, rhetorical techniques and so on. To sort out and summarize Qian’s discourse on these studies will undoubtedly give us an eye-opener, so as to open up new fields of study and enrich and promote the system of Ci-poetry.