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去年初邓小平同志南方之行视察了广东科龙电器公司(原广东珠江冰箱厂),公司全体职工深深铭记邓小平同志的殷切期望,在邓小平同志南巡之行精神鼓舞下,一年多来在发展社会主义市场经济中,迈出了新的台阶,作出了新的贡献。去年科龙公司生产“容声”冰箱65.5万台,销售收入达10.6亿元,成为全国最大的乡镇企业,在全国500家大型工业企业中排列第187位.通过技改挖潜,生产冰箱从原来48秒 At the beginning of last year, Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s visit to the south visited Guangdong Kelong Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. (former Guangdong Zhujiang Refrigerator Factory). All employees of the company deeply remembered the earnest expectations of Comrade Deng Xiaoping, and were encouraged by the spirit of Deng Xiaoping’s visit to the South, more than a year ago. In the development of a socialist market economy, we have taken new steps and made new contributions. Last year, Kelon produced 655,000 units of “Rongsheng” refrigerators, and its sales revenue reached 1.06 billion yuan. It became the country’s largest township enterprise and ranked 187th among the 500 large-scale industrial enterprises in the country. Through the technical reform, it tapped potential and produced refrigerators from the original 48. second
新课标倡导教学以学生为本,重视学生全面发展,彰显学生个性.同时,要求教师为学生提供多种多样的学习方法,丰富学生的学习经验,并拓展知识内涵,整合不同课程,以拓宽教学空间.  因此,在初中物理教学中,进行拓展教学不但与课标要求相符,也体现了现代教育新理念.  笔者以德育与实验拓展教学为例谈点体会.  一、在初中物理教学中进行德育拓展教学  在新课标下,重视教学的三维目标,包括情感、态度与价值观.因此,