澳门是西学东渐的植入点。西方传教士最初到中国传教, 都以澳门为第一个落脚点, 他们在澳门建立教堂、医院、文化设施, 使西方文化首先扎根澳门。澳门是西方文化向中国内地传播的散发点。西方传教士在澳门积累一定经验后, 以此为基地, 进一步向中国内地渗透, 他们在传教的同时, 也大量传播了西方科学技术和文化艺术, 或翻译西方科技著作, 或参与中国的文化活动, 如修定历法、园林设计等。澳门是近代中国多次进步政治运动的舆论传播地和依托地。洪秀全太平天国革命, 康有为、梁启超戊戌维新, 孙中山反清革命活动, 都与澳门有着密切的关系。
Macau is an implantation point for western learning. Western missionaries first came to China for preaching, both of which were the first to be settled in Macao. They established churches, hospitals and cultural facilities in Macao so that Western culture would first take root in Macao. Macao is the distribution point of Western culture to the Mainland. Western missionaries, after gaining some experience in Macao, used this as a base to further infiltrate the mainland of China. While they preached religion, they also massively spread western science and technology and culture and arts, translated western scientific and technological works, or participated in cultural activities in China , Such as revised calendar, garden design. Macao is the media and relying place for the media in many progressive political movements in modern China. Hong Xiuquan Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Revolution, Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao Reform Movement, Sun Yat-sen’s anti-Qing revolutionary activities, and Macau have close relations.