Let {An}∞n=0 be an arbitary sequence of natural numbers. We say A(n,k;A) are the Convolution Annihilation Coefficients for {An}n∞=0 if and only if n k=0 A(n,k
In this paper, a new class of fuzzy mappings called semistrictly convex fuzzy mappings is introduced and we present some properties of this kind of fuzzy mappin
Multivariate spline function is an important research object and tool in Computational Geometry. The singularity of multivariate spline spaces is a dificult pro
我们常说一个人“不知天高地厚”,是说他浅薄无知,自不量力。可扪心自问,我们真的知道天有多高,地有多厚吗? 要回答这个问题,就要明白什么是“天”,什么是“地”。古代中国人把“天”想象为一个半球形的大罩子,“地”则如同一个方形的棋盘,这就是中国最著名的“盖天说”。所谓“天有多高,地有多厚”的问题,就是在这样的宇宙模型之下提出来的。我们知道,这样的“罩子”和“棋盘”是不存在的,可在生活中,我们还在使用
In this paper,we investigate the Galois connections between two partially ordered objects in an arbitrary elementary topos.Some characterizations of Galois adju
Let T(n,i) be the set of all trees with order n and matching number i.We determine the third to sixth trees in T(2i + 1,i) and the third to fifth trees in T(n,i