在印度,电影是最流行、最重要的娱乐与交流手段。有着80多年历史的印度电影,至今仍然以正直善良的人与不平等现象作斗争并获胜的种种故事取悦于其忠实的观众。印度的电影蜚声世界,在中国亦享有盛名。 目前,印度电影年产量居世界之首。据有关统计,到80年代中期,印度拥有66家电影制片厂,26个电影实验所,400多种电影杂志,12000家电影院,25万电影从业人员,年耗资约20亿美元,每天观众多达1250—2000万人次。以上数字表明,印度的确不愧为世界上首屈一指的“电影王国”和“东方好莱坞”的称号。 传统的印度电影中总有一个男主人公,一个女主人公和一个恶棍。配角是一位母亲,一名
In India, movies are the most popular and important means of entertainment and communication. An Indian film with more than 80 years of history is still pleasing to its loyal audience with the stories of winning and defeating honest and kind-hearted people in fighting and inequality. Indian films have a world-renowned reputation in China. At present, the Indian film annual output ranks first in the world. According to the statistics, by the mid-1980s, India had 66 film studios, 26 film laboratories, over 400 film and magazine, 12,000 cinemas and 250,000 film practitioners, costing about 2 billion U.S. dollars each day. Up to 12.5 million to 20,000 people. The above figures show that India indeed deserves to be the world’s leading film kingdom and the title of “Oriental Hollywood.” Traditional Indian movies always have a hero, a heroine and a villain. Supporting actor is a mother