目的分析某自治区2008~2012年的死因顺位及死因构成,了解死因构成及其分布规律,找出严重影响该地区人民健康的主要疾病,为提高居民健康提供预防策略;分析2008~2012年某地区死亡率的动态变化,为医院加强诊疗工作,科学管理,合理医疗资源配置提供参考依据。方法收集某自治区死因监测系统2008年~20l2年某市天山区、和田县、莎车县、新源县、新和县5个监测点的数据。按照国际疾病分类(ICD-10)进行死因编码,采用Excel2003、SPSS17.0软件进行统计分析。结果 2008年~2012年死因顺位前12的疾病是循环系统疾病、呼吸系统疾病、损伤和中毒外部原因、肿瘤、传染病和寄生虫病、起源于围生期的某些情况、其他疾病、内分泌营养和代谢的其他疾病、消化系统疾病、先天畸形和变性及染色体异常、神经系统疾病、泌尿生殖系统疾病。慢性非传染性疾病成为危害人们健康的主要问题。不同性别的死因构成略有不同。汉族与维吾尔族各疾病在2008年~20l2年间死亡率变化不同。结论在医疗资源有限的情况下,依据某自治区在2008年~20l2年间人群疾病死因顺位在前10的疾病、性别和民族间的差异应采取不同的干预措施,以降低各类疾病对人群的危害。
Objective To analyze the rank and cause of cause of death of a certain autonomous region from 2008 to 2012, understand the composition and distribution of causes of death, identify major diseases that seriously affect people’s health in this area, and provide preventive strategies to improve residents’ health. The dynamic changes of regional mortality provide reference for hospitals to strengthen the diagnosis and treatment work, scientific management and rational allocation of medical resources. Method of Collecting Autonomous Region-based Cause of Death Monitoring System in Certain Autonomous Region From 2008 to December 2008 Data of 5 monitoring sites in Huatian County, Shache County, Xinyuan County and Xinhe County were collected. According to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) for the cause of death coding, using Excel2003, SPSS17.0 software for statistical analysis. Results The top 12 causes of death from 2008 to 2012 were circulatory system diseases, respiratory diseases, external causes of injury and poisoning, tumors, infectious and parasitic diseases, some cases of perinatal origin, other diseases, Endocrine nutrition and metabolism of other diseases, digestive diseases, congenital malformations and degeneration and chromosomal abnormalities, nervous system diseases, genitourinary system diseases. Chronic noncommunicable diseases have become major issues that endanger people’s health. The causes of death by gender are slightly different. Han and Uyghur diseases in 2008 ~ 20l2 year mortality rate varies slightly. Conclusion In the case of limited medical resources, different interventions should be taken according to the disease, gender and ethnic differences among the top 10 occupational diseases in 2008-2020 in a certain autonomous region in order to reduce the impact of various diseases on the population harm.