如何在广播宣传实践中坚持正确的舆论导向,要注意以下几个方面: 1.遵守宣传纪律,严格把好政治关,努力配合党和政府的中心工作。2.搞好选题计划,注意报道题材的比例,组织好阶段性,专题性和战役性报道。3.严格审稿制度,未经审阅的稿件不能随意播出。4.遵守直播规程,避免直播事故,尤其是政治事故。
How to adhere to the correct direction of public opinion in the practice of radio and television publicity should pay attention to the following aspects: 1. To abide by propaganda and discipline, strictly control the politics and work hard with the central work of the party and the government. 2 do a good job in the selection of topics, pay attention to the proportion of the subject matter, organized a good stage, thematic and campaign reports. 3. Strict review of manuscripts, unaudited manuscripts can not be broadcast at will. 4. Abide by the broadcast schedule, to avoid live broadcasts, especially political incidents.