Implementing a unified property registration system will help combat corruption and high housing prices ‘This is a good policy.If it can be implemented this year,housing prices will drop immediately.“This Weibo post on the evening of November 20 by Pan Shiyi,CEO of SOHO China,a leading Chinese real estate company,quickly went viral on the Internet and was also cited by media reports.Among the 16 million followers of Pan,many are from the media.
Implementing a unified property registration system will help combat corruption and high housing prices’ This is a good policy. If it can be implemented this year, housing prices will drop immediately. ”This Weibo post on the evening of November 20 by Pan Shiyi, CEO of SOHO China, a leading Chinese real estate company, quickly went viral on the Internet and also cited media reports. Amid the 16 million followers of Pan, many are from the media.