有效教学(effective teaching)的理念源于20世纪上半叶西方的教学科学化运动,其核心是教学效益的高低。教学是否有效,并不完全是指教师教得认不认真、有没有教完内容,而是指学生产生了学习兴趣,通过学习培养了创新思维,提升了能力,获得了发展。反之学生学了没有收获而不再想学,即使教师再辛苦也是无效教学。下面本人就如何促进学生发展,实现高中政治课教学的有效性,谈谈自己的认识和做法,与大家讨论。
The concept of effective teaching stems from Western teaching and scientific movement in the first half of the 20th century. Its core is the level of teaching effectiveness. Teaching is effective, does not mean that teachers teach not recognize seriously, did not finish the content, but that students have a interest in learning through training to cultivate innovative thinking, enhance the ability to gain development. Conversely, students learn no gain but no longer want to learn, even if teachers and then hard teaching invalid. Here on how to promote student development, to achieve the effectiveness of teaching high school politics, talk about their own understanding and practices, to discuss with you.