目的 研究12·23井喷事故后灾民的心理健康状况。方法 采用自编《12·23井喷事故灾民心理健康状况调查量表》对300名灾民进行测评。结果 井喷事故对灾民的身体、日常生活功能、情绪产生了很大的影响,同时,灾民对井喷事故的认知以及社会责任感有了较大的提高。结论 为全国建立灾难及危机心理干预系统提供了依据。
Objective To study the mental health of victims after the blowout accident of December 23. Methods A total of 300 victims were evaluated by self-made questionnaire “Mental Health Status of Disaster Victims in 12-23 Blowout Accident”. Results The blowout accident had a great impact on the victims ’body, daily life functions and emotions. At the same time, the disaster victims’ awareness of blowout accidents and their sense of social responsibility have been greatly improved. The conclusion provides a basis for establishing a disaster and crisis psychological intervention system across the country.