On steps and methods for the establishment of global boundary stratotype section and point (GSSP) fr

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hnjylwn
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The steps and methods for the establishment of the global boundary stratotype section and point (GSSP) are summed up briefly as follows. (i) Select rock sequences of approximately the same age duration in a region, make a thorough study of their properties or attributes in order to establish the high-resolution stratigraphic units reflecting the natural rhythms in Earth’s history, and proceed by multidisciplinary comprehensive studies to reveal the relationship, including time-space relation and possible mutual causality, among the various stratigraphic units and the different natural rhythms established. (ii) Seek for the “natural break” that represents the “major natural changes in the historical development of the Earth” in shallow marine facies areas, which is frequently the third-order sequence boundaries, (iii) Trace from shallow marine facies areas toward the continental slope and bathyal areas to seek for a continuous depositional sequence that corresponds in time span to the “natural break” of The steps and methods for the establishment of the global boundary stratotype section and point (GSSP) are summed up briefly as follows. (I) Select rock sequences of approximately the same age duration in a region, make a thorough study of their properties or attributes in order to establish the high-resolution stratigraphic units reflecting the natural rhythms in Earth’s history, and proceed by multidisciplinary comprehensive studies to reveal the relationship, including time-space relation and possible mutual causality, among the various stratigraphic units and the different natural rhythms established (ii) Seek for the “natural break ” that represents the “major natural changes in the historical development of the Earth ” in shallow marine facies areas, which is frequently the third-order sequence boundaries, (iii) Trace from shallow marine facies areas toward the continental slope and bathyal areas to seek for a continuous depositional sequence that corresponds in time span to t he “natural break ” of
摘要:分析检验的目的是得出准确可靠的数据。不准确的结果导致资源浪费、产品不合格、研究方向错误或得出错误结论等。讨论了误差的产生及解决方法。  关键词:化学分析:误差:对策  化学分析是以物质的化学计量反应为基础的分析方法。定性分析中许多分离和鉴定反应,就是根据组分在化学反应中生成沉淀、气体或有色物质而进行的。定量分析中,根据物质化学反应的计量关系来确定组分的含量。经计算,称取药品配制成溶液,然后通
摘要:本文列举汝南县有线电视系统中应用的各种光接收机的典型配置方式。分析各类光接收机在不同场合使用时的调试方法和技术指标要求。  关键词:光接收机:配置:调试:技术指标  汝南县有线电视台於一九九一年十月成立,一九九二年元旦正式开通。经历了二十几年发展,於二零零五年实现了全县十九个乡镇HCF光电混合联网。二零一四年十月实现了数字化整体转移。经过这两年的发展和实践,就系统中存在的;1.各类型号的光接