高钾血症是尿毒症患者常见的并发症,也是其主要死亡原因之一。严重的高钾血症可使心跳骤停,以致死亡。现将我们成功抢救高钾血症致心跳骤停3例报告如下: 例1,女,29岁,慢性肾小球肾炎,终末期肾衰,维持性血液透析患者。患者受凉感冒后,自觉乏力,余无不适,进餐后突感心慌、气急、呼吸困难,继之意识丧失,送往医院途中呼吸、心跳停止。体格检查:昏迷、呼吸停止、唇发绀,动脉搏动消失,血压测不到。立即给予心肺复苏,自主呼吸恢复,左下肺可闻
Hyperkalemia is a common complication of uremia patients, but also one of the major causes of death. Severe hyperkalemia can arrest the heart, resulting in death. Now we successfully rescue cardioversion caused by hyperkalemia in 3 cases reported as follows: Example 1, female, 29 years old, chronic glomerulonephritis, end-stage renal failure, maintenance hemodialysis patients. After the patient had a cold and a cold, he was consciously weak and had no discomfort. After eating, he felt flustered, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and then loss of consciousness. He was taken to the hospital for breathing and his heart stopped. Physical examination: coma, respiratory arrest, cyanosis lips, arterial pulse disappeared, blood pressure can not be measured. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation immediately, spontaneous breathing recovery, the lower left lung can be heard