最近以来 ,伴随着学术界对殖民支配时期人类研究动机的批判 (Fabian 1983;Asad 1973) ,田野工作本身和把田野工作成果转写成文献形式这两个过程的诸多层面都受到了更为缜密的检验。检验的内容包括感知研究对象的认识论困惑 ,论证阐述的困惑 ,研究者、合作者和研究对象人际关系的困惑 ,以及把给人添麻烦的调查写成有潜在敏感性题目的困惑等等。
More recently, with the critique of the academic community’s motivation for human studies during colonial domination (Fabian 1983; Asad 1973), the multifaceted aspects of both the fieldwork itself and the transcript of field work into documentation test. The testing includes epistemological confusion of perceived research object, confusion of argumentation, interpersonal confusion of researcher, collaborator and research object, confusion of potentially intimidating investigation into potentially sensitive topic, and so on.