1 小儿厌食案 张某,男,3岁。1992年5月15日初诊。患儿5个月来,食欲逐渐减少,经多方中西药治疗,其证如故,邀我诊治。查:身体消瘦,头发枯萎,面色不荣,脘腹胀满,按之柔软,常因进食而心烦,舌质淡,苔薄白,脉沉弦,指纹青紫,隐露风关。证属:肝脾不调,法当调和肝脾。方用柴胡疏肝散加味:柴胡5g,枳壳、香附、白芍各4g,川芎、甘草各3g,党参、白术、夜交藤各6g,每日1剂,水煎分次服,4d后,饮食正常。4个月后虽有复发,证轻,仍以此法收效。
1 Anorexia Cases for Children Zhang, male, 3 years old. May 15, 1992, first visit. In the past five months, the appetite gradually decreased. After being treated with multiple Chinese and Western medicines, the card was inviting me to treat. Check: body weight loss, hair withered, looking unpleasant, abdominal distension, according to the soft, often upset due to eating, pale tongue, thin white fur, pulse Shen strings, fingerprints purple, hidden wind off. Card is: liver and spleen is not adjusted, the law when the liver and spleen reconcile. Side with Bupleurum Shugan San flavored: Bupleurum 5g, Citrus aurantium, Cyperus rotundus, White peony root 4g, Chuanxiong, licorice each 3g, Codonopsis, Atractylodes, Night vine each 6g, 1 day, decoction sub-service After 4 days, the diet was normal. Although there is a recurrence after 4 months, the card is still light, but this method still works.