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飞行器无动力返场着陆过程中,由于初始速度、高度和位置不确定,会导致飞行器相对能量过高,不能在预定的机场着陆,并且可能造成危险。针对上述问题,本文借鉴了航天飞机的策略,采用S转弯的方式来消耗飞行器多余的能量,使飞行器无动力下滑过程中具有合适的能量,保证飞行器的安全着陆。本文首先详细讲述了能量消耗的基本思想,采用S转弯增加待飞距离的方案来消耗能量。接着,对S转弯的方向以及S转弯半径的大小进行了深入研究。最后,通过非线性三自由度制导仿真环境,对S转弯策略进行了仿真验证。结果表明,该能量消耗方案具有工程实用性和鲁棒性。 Aircraft unpowered During landing, uncertainties in the initial velocity, altitude and position can result in the aircraft being over-energized, unable to land at the intended airport, and potentially dangerous. In response to the above problems, this paper draws on the tactics of the space shuttle, using the S-turn method to consume the excess energy of the aircraft, so that the craft has the appropriate energy in the process of sliding without power to ensure the safe landing of the aircraft. This paper first describes in detail the basic idea of ​​energy consumption, using S turn to increase the distance to fly away from the program to consume energy. Then, the direction of the S turn and the size of the S turn radius have been studied in depth. Finally, the S-turn strategy is verified by nonlinear three-degree-of-freedom guidance simulation environment. The results show that the energy consumption scheme has engineering practicability and robustness.
在西藏高原的雪山中也有热带风光,也长着香蕉和菠萝,这实在是一件令人啧啧称奇的事。  这个奇异的地方叫墨脱,在西藏自治区的东南部,也就是喜马拉雅山的南坡。墨脱,藏语的意思就是“花朵”。藏族人民把它叫做花朵,不用说,那里一定是很美的了。  墨脱自然保护区是一个非常神奇、富饶的地方,其独特的景色为世界所罕见。它被高高的雪山阻挡着,道路崎岖艰难,故此,这西藏的“花朵”就越发显得神奇,令人向往。  墨脱在雅
酝酿已久的《集体土地征收补偿条例》或许离出台不远了。  多种渠道的消息显示,由国土资源部负责起草的《集体土地征收补偿条例》已经在月余前提交国务院审议,依照相关程序,《条例》或将在近期交由全国人大常委会审议通过。  “根据地方经济发展水平的不同条件制定动态的农村集体土地征收补偿标准”被认为是条例修改的重要突破,而“村级征地收益向农民大幅倾斜”则成为了修法的核心理念之一。  随着城市的急剧扩张,越来越