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马克思的劳动价值理论是政治经济学的核心与基石,是剩余价值理论的基础,也是揭示资本主义经济关系和资本主义经济运行规律以及掌握马克思主义政治经济学的理论基础。随着历史的推进及社会政治、经济、文化等因素的纵深发展,马克思在阐述劳动价值理论时所考察和分析的资本主义生产方式,已发生了根本性的变化。依据实际情况,对马克思的劳动价值理论进行系统的研究和学习,在理论上和实践上,都具有重要的历史意义。 Marx’s labor value theory is the core and cornerstone of political economy. It is the basis of surplus value theory. It is also the theoretical basis for revealing the capitalist economic relations and capitalist economic operation rules and mastering Marxist political economy. With the development of history and the in-depth development of social politics, economy and culture, fundamental changes have taken place in the capitalist mode of production which Marx has examined and analyzed in elaborating the theory of labor value. Based on the actual situation, the systematic study and study of Marx’s labor value theory have both historical and historical significance both in theory and in practice.
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对印度、胜利两个苹果品种在芽露红期、盛花期、花后10d、15d进行环剥,调查结果表明,花后10d环剥对座果率的影响效果最好。 The results showed that the effect of girdlin
蔬菜生产的现状 浙江省慈溪市每年种植蔬菜13 300hm2以上,多为与棉田间套轮作的季节性蔬菜,近年有常年蔬菜基地200hm2。“四菜一蒜一椒”是慈溪主要大路菜。据调查:1989年种
青花菜(Brassica oleracea L.var.italica Planch)也叫茎椰菜、绿花菜、木立花椰菜,为十字花科芸苔属,是甘兰的一个变种,原产意大利,在我国栽培历史较短,春秋栽培为主。主茎
2001年12月30日上海正式公布了上海名牌产品名单。上海贝尔有限公司生产的S12程控交换机在今年新申报被推荐的上海名牌产品中名列第一位,首次成为上海名牌产品。 S 12是我国第