A comparative study by ABI Systems and others shows that, as a top-level application, the pump-in liquid storable propellant thrust system has the advantage of having a greater payload carrying capacity than other systems and in addition to being reliable High sex and economy is very cost-effective. Regardless of whether this propulsion system is a self-excited or a monolithic propulsion scheme, its core issue is the need for a space engine to provide propulsion power to reach the intended orbit. Aircraft Jet Systems has designed this engine, named Transtar, and is now in the final stages of development, with process technology for engine components being derived from the Aeronautical Jet Engine Manufacturing (NASA) Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) engine So far, the orbital maneuvering system engine has been successfully flown on all space shuttles; it also comes from the process technology program developed by the Air Force’s rocket propulsion laboratory. Turbine pumps and two-component propellant gas generators, the Transtar engine power units, have been developed by Air Jet since 1980 on the basis of their independent development plans. Most of the engine parts have been developed. The thrust test of the engine system is underway. It is estimated that the qualification test can be completed in early 1990. This report reviews Transtar engine design, engine performance and operating characteristics, and engine development.