民族文学研究中对作家的研究不能忽视他们对民族、民族国家和民族文化的认同问题。在绝大多数的情况下 ,汉族作家多能够做到认同 ,在少数民族政权下为其国家服务 ,在痛苦的嬗变中 ,完成自己的一系列认同。否则 ,无以在少数民族政权下生存和发展。对于民族政权下作家的民族认同、国家认同、文化认同问题 ,我们必须极为关注。这是我们正确认知作家的创作思想和心态、以及检验作家文学创作成果的核心问题。
The study of writers in the research of national literature can not neglect their recognition of nationalities, nation states and national cultures. In the vast majority of cases, Han writers are mostly able to identify with each other and serve their country under the regime of ethnic minorities, completing their own series of identities in a painful evolution. Otherwise, there is no survival and development under the regime of ethnic minorities. We must pay close attention to the national identity, national identity and cultural identity of writers under the national power. This is the core issue of our correct cognition of the author’s creative thinking and mentality, as well as the verification of the writer’s literary creation.