肝内胆管细胞癌(intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma,ICC)是指左右肝管汇合部以上的胆管上皮细胞起源的恶性肿瘤,95%为腺癌,ICC是仅次于肝细胞肝癌(hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)的原发性肝脏恶性肿瘤,占消化道肿瘤的3%[1]。ICC在流行病学、发病机制、临床表现、治疗方法等方面与HCC相比均存在明显差异[2]。由于ICC起病隐匿,无特殊的临床表现,患者就诊时往往已处于疾病晚期,预后较差。目前接受经导管肝动脉化疗
Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) is a malignant tumor originating from bile duct epithelium above the junction of the left and right hepatic duct, 95% is adenocarcinoma, and ICC is second only to the original hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) Malignant hepatic malignancies, accounting for 3% of gastrointestinal tumors [1]. ICC in epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, treatment methods and other aspects of HCC compared there are significant differences [2]. Due to occult ICC onset, no special clinical manifestations, patients often have been in the late treatment stage, the prognosis is poor. Transcatheter hepatic artery chemotherapy is currently accepted