1 干呕不止 王某,男,48岁,工人。1992年12月15日初诊。自述干呕不止半月余。半月前因受寒,遂之出现头痛,腰背、肢节酸困疼痛,自汗出,恶风寒,鼻塞,此乃中风表虚证。经服西药感冒通等后,上述诸症有所减轻,又新增干呕不止之证。曾延请某中医诊治,给予吴茱萸汤3剂,诸症依然。笔者诊之,但见其舌质红、苔薄白,脉浮缓。此属风寒侵袭太阳经脉,表邪外束,经气不利,影响于胃,胃失和降所致,治宜调和营卫。方选桂枝汤原方,水煎服,3剂而告病愈。
1 More than retching Wang Mou, male, 48 years old, worker. December 15, 1992. After more than half a month of retching. Half a month ago, due to cold, headaches occurred in the body, back pain, limb pain and sore limbs, spontaneous sweating, evil cold, stuffy nose, this is the deficiency of the stroke table. After taking the western drug flu and other illnesses, the above-mentioned symptoms have been alleviated, and more evidence of retching has been added. He once invited a Chinese medicine to treat and give 3 doses of Wusong Decoction. The author diagnosed the disease, but see the red tongue, thin white fur, and slow pulse. This is a cold wind invading the sun meridians, evil outside the table beam, adverse gas, affecting the stomach, stomach loss and fall caused by the tactics to reconcile the business guard. Fang Xuan Guizhi Tang Yuanfang, Shuijianbi, 3 and reported to be cured.