
来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bigrobbin
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Investigating the stability of information spreading over SNS helps to understand the principles inherent in the spreading behavior.This paper explores the mechanisms of information spreading including stifling mechanism,latent mechanism and forgetting mechanism,establishes a refined SEIR model,and builds the corresponding mean-field equations.The methods of the differential dynamics and the next generation matrix are used to calculate the equilibriums and the basic reproductive number,and the asymptotical stability of the network equilibriums are proved theoretically.Simulation experiments are carried out to analyze the effect of the spreading mechanisms on the information spreading process and the results support our conclusions. Investigating the stability of information spreading over SNS helps to understand the principles inherent in the spreading behavior. This paper explores the mechanisms of information spreading including stifling mechanism, latent mechanism and forgetting mechanism, established a refined SEIR model, and builds the corresponding mean-field equations. Methods of the differential dynamics and the next generation matrix are used to calculate the equilibriums and the basic reproductive number, and the asymptotical stability of the network equilibriums are proved theoretically. Simulation experiments are carried out to analyze the effect of the spreading mechanisms on the information spreading process and the results support our conclusions.
《信陵君窃符救赵》(节选自《史记·魏公子列传》,下称《窃符》中有这样一段文字: 侯生因谓公子曰:“今日 之为公子亦足矣! 乃夷门抱关者也,而公子亲枉车骑自迎 。于众人广坐之
说到世界民间故事,就不能不提到《一千零一夜》(旧译《天方夜谭》。它规模宏伟浩大,情节引人入胜,想象瑰丽奇特,不愧是世界民间文学宝库中一颗璀璨的明珠。 我最早接触《一千零一
德、识、才、学、情五者的最佳结合就是“一把手”之魂。它是增强“一把手”魅力,提高领导效能的关键所在。 德,魂之核。“一把手”的品德修养对下属具有强大的榜样感染力。