牛黄(Calculus Bovis;Bezoar Bovis)是牛科动物的胆结石,也叫天然牛黄,又名土精、丑宝,是一种常用的珍贵中药材,具有镇静、抗惊、解热、强心、消炎、利胆作用。牛黄成分复杂,主要含有胆酸,胆红素、还含有麦角甾醇、脂肪酸、去氧胆酸、钙盐,Vc及部分微量元素。据研究报道从澳大利亚牛黄中已提取出三种类胡萝卜素及多种氨基酸。现代实验药理学己充分证明牛黄本身就是一种复方,其效能和作用表现在多方面。目前,国内外对牛黄中的胆红素,胆酸等进行了较为详细的分析与药理研究,探讨牛黄究竟是哪些成分具有上述药理作用,本文分析探讨了西藏产天然牛黄中牛磺酸和组成蛋白质的18种游离氨基酸的含量情况,以便对天然牛黄药用价值从氨基酸角度进行初步探讨,为牛黄的药理研究提供实验数据。
Calculus Bovis (Bezoar Bovis) is a gallstone of bovidae, also known as natural bezoar, also known as qujing, ugly treasure. It is a commonly used precious Chinese herbal medicine, which is calm, anti-panic, antipyretic, and cardiac. Anti-inflammatory, gallbladder effect. The composition of bezoar is complex and mainly contains bile acid, bilirubin, ergosterol, fatty acid, deoxycholic acid, calcium salt, Vc and some trace elements. According to reports, three types of carotene and various amino acids have been extracted from Australian bezoar. Modern experimental pharmacology has fully proved that bezoar itself is a compound, its performance and role in many aspects. At present, more detailed analyses and pharmacological studies on bilirubin and cholic acid in bezoar have been carried out at home and abroad to discuss which components of bezoar have the above-mentioned pharmacological effects. This article analyzes and discusses the composition and composition of taurine in natural bezoar produced in Tibet. The content of 18 kinds of free amino acids in the protein was used to make a preliminary discussion on the medicinal value of natural bezoar from the perspective of amino acids, providing experimental data for the pharmacological research of bezoar.