无锡地处江苏省南部、经济发达的长江三角洲中部,北靠长江,南濒我国第三大淡水湖——太湖,全市总面积4787.61平方公里,其中市区面积1659平方公里,下辖江阴、宜兴两个市(县)和崇安、北塘、南长、滨湖、惠山、锡山、新区7个区,常住人口447.1 9万,外来暂住人口178万。无锡是历代王朝的槽运要地,也是近代中国民族工商业的发祥地之一。改革开放以来,无锡这座古老的城市又焕发出蓬勃的生机,经济持续增长,城乡面貌日新月异,人民生活水平明显提高。2005年,全市实现国内生产总值2805亿元,比上年增长15.1‰财政收入421.8亿元,同口径增长19%;外向型经济发展形势尤为喜人,全球500强企业在无锡投资兴办了115家企业。
Wuxi is located in southern Jiangsu Province, the economically developed central Yangtze River Delta, north of the Yangtze River, south of China’s third largest freshwater lake - Taihu Lake, the city’s total area of 4787.61 square kilometers, of which the urban area of 1659 square kilometers, under the jurisdiction of Jiangyin , Yixing two cities (counties) and Chong’an, Beitang, Nanchang, Binhu, Huishan, Xishan and New District. The resident population is 4.4719 million and the temporary resident population is 1.78 million. Wuxi is the trough transport site of dynasties and one of the cradles of modern Chinese national industry and commerce. Since the reform and opening up, the ancient city of Wuxi has rejuvenated its vitality and sustained economic growth with an ever-changing urban-rural outlook and a marked improvement in people’s living standard. In 2005, the city achieved a GDP of 280.5 billion yuan, an increase of 15.1% over the previous year with a revenue of 42.18 billion yuan and a 19% increase over the previous year. The development of the export-oriented economy was particularly encouraging. Fortune 500 companies in the world invested in Wuxi Set up 115 companies.