【摘 要】
教师節到了,森林幼儿园的小动物们正在举行庆祝活动。 请你给小动物们的服饰涂上自己喜欢的颜色,并帮他们在框内的空白处画一幅画送给老师吧。 难度系数:★★★★★
I’m a few years older than the People’s Republic of China, but hardly an infant compared to China’s vast history and culture.China and I have intersected at many points, and I want to tell you about a
I am one of the many Australian friends of the People’s Republic of China, not only because I am the third generation descendant of Chinese settlers in Australia, but also because I see China as an id
We in Sri Lanka China Society enthusiastically rejoice and celebrate the year of 2009 for two major reasons. It is the sixtieth year of founding the People’s Republic of China (1949) which brought abo
In recent years, China’s development achievements have captured the world’s attention and I can feel the vigorous momentum of this development every time I visit China. China is becoming an incomparab
I have been engaged in Japan-China cultural exchanges through the platform of calligraphy and seal cutting art for over 30 years. During the past over 30 years I was fortunate to take part in many imp
Three days of great importance in the golden October of 2009 will be marked in China. They belong to different historical categories, but converge because of their political significance. On October
In the early years after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Western world generally hostile to the socialist system, adopted a policy of economic blockade and military encirclement se
Today is October 1, 2009, a day of joy and happiness for the People’s Republic of China and friends of China around the world to mark the 60th founding anniversary of the People’s Republic. In the pas
efore finally leaving occupied territory I had paid two visits to the Border Region. In the summer of 1940 I paid a short visit to East Hopei (Hebei) and helped to treat some wounded. In the summer of
树上的鸟儿在快活地歌唱。 请你给他们涂上漂亮的颜色吧(可以参考小鸟贴纸涂色哟)。 難度系数:★★★★