研究以人为本 ,简单的讲就是为了正确树立关于人的科学理念 ,即正确认识和处理人与其他生产要素的辩证关系 ,突出人的智慧、创造力及人的主导、能动和决定性的作用。一、为什么要提倡以人为本从哲学的角度看 ,以人为本符合辩证唯物主义的认识论。根据认识论的观点 ,人在认识世
The study is based on people. Simply speaking, it is to establish the scientific conception of man correctly, that is, to correctly understand and handle the dialectical relationship between man and other factors of production, and to highlight man’s wisdom, creativity, and the leading, dynamic, and decisive role of man. I. Why should we advocate a people-centered approach? From a philosophical point of view, putting people first is the epistemology of dialectical materialism. According to epistemological viewpoints, people are aware of the world