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某条铁路线上,包括起点和终点在内原来共有7个车站,现在新增了3个车站,铁路上两站之间往返的车票不一样,那么需要增加多少种不同的车票?我是这样解的。根据题意,画出原有7个车站的线段图。A B C D E F G按从A站到G站和从G站到A站两个方向思考:从A站到G站的方向:A站要设计6种不同的车票,B站要设计5种不同的车票,C站要设计4种不同的车票……F站要设 There are a total of 7 stations on a railway line, including the starting point and the ending point. There are now 3 additional stations. There are different types of tickets to and from the two stations on the railway. How many different kinds of tickets are required? Solution. According to the title, draw the original 7 station line segment. ABCDEFG From A station to G station and from G station to A station in two directions: From A station to G station direction: A station to design six different tickets, B station to design five different tickets, C Station to design four different tickets ... F station to be set
例1.小虎在做一道加法题时,把其中一个加数个位上的6看作9,把另一个加数十位上的3看作5,结果和是86,问正确的答案应是多少? 我是这样解的。小虎把一个加数个位上的6看作9,使得和增加