在物理课程中,讨论简谐运动一般采用下列两种方法之一: (一)认为简谐运动是匀速圆周运动的投影, (二)根据简谐振子的微分方程式: m(d~2x)/(dt~2)+Kx=0 (1) 求解以后再讨论其运动规律. 第二种方法虽然是从本质上来分析简谐运动的规律,数学形式也很严格.但是在初等的物理课程中,限于学生的数学程度,不能采用这种方法.第一种方法虽然对数学工具要求较
In the physics course, the discussion of harmonic motion generally adopts one of the following two methods: (i) The simple harmonic motion is considered to be the projection of a uniform circular motion, and (ii) the differential equation based on a simple harmonic oscillator: m(d~2x)/ (dt~2)+Kx=0 (1) After the solution, the law of motion is discussed. Although the second method essentially analyzes the laws of harmonic motion, the mathematical form is also very strict. But in the elementary physics course, Due to students’ mathematics degree, this method cannot be used. The first method is more demanding than the mathematical tool.