中国共产党领导人民从事革命和建设的历史,波澜壮阔,跌荡起伏。其中既有革命风暴席卷全国的顺利发展,也经历过几次严重危难。中国革命和建设正是度过重重危难后,才迎来了新时代的曙光。这样的严重危难共有七次: (一)“四·一二”政变,大革命失败。1926年7月,国共合作发动北伐。1927年3月,北伐军迫近上海。上海工人在周恩来、赵世炎领导下发动第三次武装起义,22日解放了上海。3月26日,蒋介石抵达上海。在日本帝国主义和江浙买办资产阶级的支持下,4月12日蒋介石发动政变,收缴了工人纠察队的全部武器,打死打伤300多人。4月15日,广
The history of the Chinese Communist Party in leading the people in revolution and construction has been magnificent and undulating. Among them, the smooth development of both the revolutionary storm sweeping across the country has experienced several serious crises. It is the dawn of a new era that the Chinese revolution and construction have just passed through grave rebellions. There were seven such serious crises: (a) “April 12” coup, the failure of the Great Revolution. In July 1926, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party jointly launched the Northern Expedition. In March 1927, the Northern Expeditionary Force approached Shanghai. Shanghai workers launched the third armed uprising under the leadership of Zhou Enlai and Zhao Shi Yan, and liberated Shanghai on the 22nd. March 26, Chiang Kai-shek arrived in Shanghai. With the support of Japanese imperialism and the comprador bourgeoisie of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Chiang Kai-shek on April 12 launched a coup and seized all the weapons of the workers’ picket and killed and wounded more than 300 people. April 15, Canton