The 29-episode TV series “Changbaishanxia My Home” co-produced by China TV Drama Production Co., Ltd. and Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture People’s Government, since September 3, 2012 to September 19, 2012 has been broadcast on the CCTV channel , Aroused the strong reaction of the general audience. Just as the play hit (September 12), the China Television Artists Association and China Central Television jointly held a seminar in Beijing. The participating experts spoke highly of the play and further expanded the social repercussions of the play. The drama “My Home Under Changbai Mountain” is the first emotional drama in the history of Chinese TV drama that reflects the changing life of the Korean people over half a century. The drama takes the real life of the Chinese Koreans as its material, takes the excellent influence of traditional culture as the core, and sings the precious national spirit of the Korean people.