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我国煤炭市场逐步放开以来,各类煤炭经营企业发展很快,在方便煤炭用户的同时,也出现了煤炭经营秩序混乱的问题。煤炭经营主体过多过滥,哄抬煤价或者低价倾销,囤积居奇,掺杂使假、以次充好、数量短缺时有发生,非法经营问题仍不同程度存在,有些还相当严重,严重地扰乱了煤炭市场经营秩序,影响了投资环境。有些地区煤炭监管部门对煤炭市场的监管只停留在发发煤炭经营资格证,对非法违法经营煤炭者不管不问,未查处违法煤炭案件,有证无证一个样,广大煤炭生产者、经营者、消费者对此反映强烈。 Since the coal market in our country has been gradually liberalized, various types of coal-producing enterprises have been developing rapidly. While coal users are being facilitated, there has also been a problem of chaotic coal operation. The main body of coal business is too much, drive up the price of coal or dumping at low prices, hoarding, doping, shoddy, the number of shortages have occurred, the problem of illegal business is still varying degrees of existence, some still quite serious, seriously disrupted Coal market order, affecting the investment environment. In some areas, the supervision and control of the coal market by the coal regulatory authorities only remain in the issuance of qualification certificates for coal operations. Regardless of whether the illegal operation of coal mines is illegal or not, the coal mines and traders have not investigated and dealt with cases of illegal coal mining. , Consumers are strongly reflected in this.