中老年人:随着年龄的增长,中老年人的脑血管壁发生退行性改变,出现动脉粥样硬化,使血管内壁凹凸不平,成为发生中风的病理基础。出血性中风平均年龄为60岁,80%以上超过57岁。缺血性中风的危险随着年龄增加而加大,63—73岁中风的危险为50%,85岁以后几乎到100%。近年来,发现中风的发病有提前趋势,41岁以前息中风的危险为2.5%,应引起人们的高度重视。 高血压病人:根据统计,有20%~30%的高血压病人死于中风,中风病人有高血压病史的达60%~70%,约88.6%的脑出血病人患有高血压病。
In the elderly: with age, the elderly in the degeneration of the cerebrovascular wall degeneration, atherosclerosis, the uneven vascular wall, a pathological basis for the occurrence of stroke. Hemorrhagic stroke average age of 60 years, 80% over 57 years old. The risk of ischemic stroke increases with age, with a 50% risk of stroke at 63-73 and almost 100% after 85 years of age. In recent years, the incidence of stroke has been found to have an earlier trend. The risk of stroke prior to the age of 41 is 2.5%, which should arouse people’s attention. Hypertensive patients: According to statistics, 20% to 30% of hypertensive patients die of stroke, stroke patients have a history of hypertension of 60% to 70%, about 88.6% of patients with cerebral hemorrhage suffering from hypertension.