In the history of mankind, there has never been such a comprehensive and comprehensive movement as the world peace movement united so well organizedly under one great goal. The growing expansion and expansion of this great peace movement shows that it is entirely possible for the people of the world to eliminate the crisis of war that the imperialists are crazily making. The peace proposal made by the Soviet Union at the 6th UN General Assembly represents the will of the overwhelming majority of the people of the world. The Chinese People’s Volunteers Army and the Korean People’s Army have paid a heavy blow to the U.S. aggressors and encouraged the people of the world in their strong confidence to fight for peace. The new heyday of the national liberation movement, affiliated with the colonies, is increasingly threatening the rear of the imperialists. The national liberation movement, affiliated to the colonies, has been inextricably linked with the World Peace Movement. Under such circumstances, the forthcoming convening of the Middle East and North Africa Peace Conference and the Peace Conference in the Americas is clearly of great significance.