当璀灿的烟花在夜空中绽放,当悠远的钟声在耳畔响起,我们迎来了新的一年——2009。在这充满希望的喜庆时刻,我代表中华全国律师协会,向为祖国的繁荣昌盛辛勤工作的律师们、向热忱支持律师事业的各界朋友们,致以最美好的新年祝福! 2008年是不平凡的一年。我们和全国人民一样,为中国成功举办奥运会而骄傲;为改革开放30周年硕果累累而欣喜;同时也为抗震救灾中泣鬼神感天地的英雄们而动容……
When the sparkling fireworks bloom in the night sky, when the distant bells ring in our ears, we welcome a new year. On this happy and promising occasion, on behalf of the All-China Lawyers Association, I extend my best wishes to friends from all walks of life, who enthusiastically support the cause of lawyers, to lawyers who work hard for the prosperity of the motherland. Year Like the people throughout the country, we are proud of China’s successful hosting of the Olympic Games. We are delighted with the fruitful achievements of the 30th anniversary of the reform and opening up. We are also moved by the heroes who have felt worldly in earthquake relief.