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为提高涡轮发动机前燃气进口温度或加力燃烧室温度而采用的热障涂层技术是近年来国际高温涂层领域最活跃的研究课题之一,并且在西方的一些先进发动机上采用了热障涂层技术。然而试验或使用结果表明,热障涂层过早剥落失效现象仍存在。热障涂层在高温下服役较长时间,其粘结层与基体将遇到高温氧化问题,使其成为热障涂层最典型的损伤模式。燃料中含Na 和S 等杂质,以Na2SO4形式沉积在高温部件上,造成热障涂层的热腐蚀。夹杂硬质颗粒的气流撞击涂层表面,可形成腐蚀。此外,外界大颗粒物体损伤热障涂层也是一个严重问题。研究热障涂层退化机制有利于指导热障涂层制备工艺,使热障涂层长期稳定使用。为此,综述了近年来有关热障涂层的退化方式及影响因素,以期报道最新的研究成果 The thermal barrier coating technology used to increase the temperature of the front gas inlet of a turbine engine or the afterburner is one of the most active research topics in the international high temperature coating field in recent years and has been used in some advanced western engines Coating technology. However, the results of the tests or the use of the thermal barrier coating show that the failure of premature failure still exists. Thermal barrier coating at high temperature service for a long time, the adhesive layer and the substrate will encounter high temperature oxidation problems, making it the most typical thermal barrier coating damage mode. The fuel contains impurities such as Na and S, deposited as Na2SO4 on high-temperature components, causing thermal corrosion of the thermal barrier coating. The air entrapped in the hard particles impinges on the coating surface and can form corrosion. In addition, damage to the thermal barrier coating by large particles outside is also a serious problem. Studying the degradation mechanism of the thermal barrier coating is conducive to guiding the thermal barrier coating preparation process and making the thermal barrier coating stable for a long time. Therefore, the degradation methods and influencing factors of thermal barrier coatings in recent years are reviewed in order to report the latest research results
Halliday and Matthiessen(2004)认为,语义复杂度是语言产出的一种性质,是语言发展和交际得体性的反映,而促使语义复杂度发展的动机是不同的交际目标,即传递不同语义或复杂的
酶解木质素(Cellulolytic enzyme lignin,CEL)是玉米秸秆酶解制备酒精产生的残渣中提取出来的新型木质素,与硫酸盐木质素和碱木质素相比,其没有经过高温高压的处理条件,很好地
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光电对抗技术在军事上的广泛应用,使战争的进程和结局产生极速变化。从宏观的角度分析了防空体系预警系统的组成,并对光电对抗技术在防空中的应用作了介绍。 The extensive