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基于2012年5、8和10月对唐山湾海域进行底拖网渔业资源调查的资料,采用相对重要性指数、多样性指数及群落ABC曲线等分析方法,对3个季节渔业资源现状及群落多样性进行研究。结果显示:渔获物中共有海洋动物59种,其中鱼类27种,甲壳类17种,贝类7种,棘皮动物4种,头足类3种,多毛类1种;春季捕获35种渔获物,夏季36种,秋季37种;春季平均渔获率(质量)为3.50 kg/h,夏季为13.68 kg/h,秋季为16.99 kg/h。研究表明:(1)渔获率及其组成季节差异明显。在生物量上,春季以头足类为主,鱼类与甲壳类次之;夏季甲壳类为主,鱼类次之;秋季鱼类为主,甲壳类次之。(2)渔获率空间分布季节变化明显,春季浅水区较深水区渔获率高,夏季深水区较浅水区高。(3)优势种季节变化不明显。(4)春季H’高于夏、秋季,深水区总体高于近岸浅水区。(5)ABC曲线分析可知,群落受到严重干扰。 Based on the data of bottom trawl fishery survey conducted in Tangshan Bay waters in May, August and October in 2012, the relative importance index, diversity index and community ABC curve were used to analyze the status quo and community diversity of three seasons fishery resources research. The results showed that there were 59 species of marine animals in the catch, including 27 species of fish, 17 species of crustaceans, 7 species of shellfish, 4 species of echinoderms, 3 species of cephalopods and 1 species of polychaetes. In spring, 35 species There were 36 species in summer and 37 species in autumn. The average catch rate (mass) in spring was 3.50 kg / h, in summer was 13.68 kg / h and in autumn was 16.99 kg / h. The research shows that: (1) The catching rate and the composition of seasonal differences are obvious. In the biomass, the main types of cephalopod in spring, followed by the fish and crustaceans; crustacean in summer-based, followed by fish; autumn-based fish, followed by the crustacean. (2) The spatial distribution of catch rate has obvious seasonal changes. The catch rate of deep water area in spring is higher than that of shallow water area in summer. (3) The dominant species did not change significantly in the seasons. (4) The spring H ’is higher than summer and autumn, the sham area is generally higher than the shallow water area near the shore. (5) ABC curve analysis shows that the community is seriously disturbed.
人生在世,如果计较的东西太多,金钱名利,样样都不肯放手,那就会活得很累;反之,什么都不计较,什么都可以凑合,那也未免太对不起自己。聪明的人,会有所为有所不为,知道什么年龄该计较什么,不该计较什么,有取有舍,收放自如,才是人生的智慧。  10岁时,应该不再计较家里给的零花钱多少,不和别人家的孩子比穿名牌服装,要体谅父母的不易。  20岁时,应该不再计较自己的家庭出身以及父母的职业。年少时,和别的孩子