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在这样一个高度重视教育的国度,面临对新生人才要求越来越高的社会,面对望子成龙望女成凤的父母,显然基础的学校教育早已不能满足社会与家长的需求,于是家教与辅导班教育日益兴盛,蓬勃发展,但是我们又面临着很多问题。我将就这些问题进行分析,从而对中小学生家教与辅导班教育的发展提出几点建议。 Faced with such a society that places a high emphasis on education and is facing ever-increasing demands on new-born talent, it is obvious that basic school education has long failed to meet the needs of the community and parents so tutoring and remedial classes Education is booming and flourishing, but we face many problems. I will analyze these issues, so as to make some suggestions on the education of primary and secondary school tutoring and remedial classes.