爱情!可怜我不知道你是什么!(《新青年随感录四十》,收入《热风》。下称《四十》) 1919年1月,鲁迅假托“一位不相识”者寄来的信,为中国青年发出了一声对爱情的呼吁,表达出世代积郁的没有爱的苦闷。他的笔锋直指封建礼教的婚姻制度: 是全凭别人主张,别人撮合,把他们一朝戏言,当我们百年的盟约,仿佛两个牲口,所从主人的命令:“咄,你们好好地住在一块儿罢!”作为此文的姊妹篇,详尽阐释那“恶果”,上年还有《我之节烈观》(收入《坟》,
Love! Poor I do not know what you are! (“New Youth with Record 40”, income “hot air”, hereinafter referred to as “Forty”) In 1919 January, Lu Xun caretaker “an acquaintance” who sent letters , Issued a cry for love for China’s youth, expressed the depressed generation of love without depression. His writing directed at the marriage system of the feudal ethical code of conduct: It was based entirely on others’ claims that others matched each other and used them to jest as one hundred years of the covenant, as if both animals were ordered by the master: “Du, you live well Together! ”As a companion to this article, I elaborate on the“ evil consequences ”and the last year also includes“ My Horoscope ”(Income“ Tomb ”