历史 (元 )叙述危机不应被视为历史学的灾难 ,而应是积极意义上的危机 ,实际上是强化了这门学科。借用库恩的理论 ,危机根源于无法令人满意地解答异常。以《历史与理论》专号为例 ,证明通过同化非传统方法某些要素 ,将加强传统学院派历史的主导话语 ,由此显示出历史学适应不断变化的文化情境且回应新需求的能力。而在利奥塔理论情境中 ,历史学危机是制度的或技术的而非认识论的 ,摆脱危机在于正当化叙述。后殖民研究作为“新人文学科” ,批评各种元叙述 ,但又是其中一种。在此意义上 ,危机是一种暂时和值得期待的现象。通过沙克拉巴蒂的印度贱民研究可以证实这一设想 ,后殖民研究被主流话语吸纳 ,系统无须改变预设就得到充实。
History (yuan) Narrative Crisis should not be regarded as a historical disaster, but should be a crisis in the positive sense, in fact, strengthen the discipline. Borrowing from Kuhn’s theory, the crisis stems from the inability to satisfactorily answer anomalies. Taking the case of “History and Theory” as an example, it proves that by assimilating some elements of the non-traditional methods, the dominant discourse of the traditional academic school history will be strengthened. This shows that historiography can adapt to the ever-changing cultural situation and respond to new demands. In the case of Lyotard, historical crisis is institutional or technical rather than epistemological, and the crisis is justified narration. Postcolonial Studies, as a “new humanities discipline,” criticizes various meta-narratives but is one of them. In this sense, the crisis is a temporary and worthwhile phenomenon. The idea of Indian pariah through Shakrabatti confirms this idea, that postcolonial research is absorbed in the mainstream discourse and that the system is enriched without changing the default.