为展示云南省农科院科技成果 ,交流科技工作经验 ,开阔科技人员视野 ,研讨科技工作的有关问题 ,营造良好的学术氛围 ,提高科技工作水平 ,2 0 0 3年 11月 2 5~ 2 7日《云南省农业科学院 2 0 0 3年学术年会》在昆明云安会都召开。参会人员共 2 2 4人 ,其中邀请出席这次会议的省?
In order to demonstrate the scientific and technological achievements of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, to exchange experience in science and technology, to broaden the horizons of science and technology personnel, to discuss issues related to science and technology work, to create a good academic atmosphere and to improve the scientific and technological work level, November 2003 25 ~ 27 Day “2003 academic year of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,” held in Kunming Cloud Security Conference. A total of 224 participants, which invited to attend the meeting of the province?