老年性上睑下垂为后天性上睑下垂的一种类型,Jones等于1975年首先提出病因主要是提上睑肌腱膜方面的解剖缺陷,指出提上睑肌腱膜修复术对治疗老年性上睑下垂从解剖上和生理上最合适,并且效果可靠,操作简单。我们自1994年至今采用提上睑肌腱膜缩紧术治疗老年性上睑下垂35例,收到良好的效果,报道如下。 1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料 35例患者中双眼30例,单眼5例,共65只眼。男12例、女23例。年龄45~86岁,平均65.5岁。术前对患者分别检查视力、眼睑下垂量、提上睑肌肌力、眼外肌运动功能。本组患者提上睑肌肌力为10~12 mm,下垂量为4~6 mm,眼球运动功能均正常。无提上睑肌肌力小于6
Senile ptosis is a type of acquired ptosis. Jones first proposed in 1975 that the etiology was mainly anatomic defects in the levator aponeurosis, and pointed out that the treatment of senile blepharoptosis with levator aponeurosis From the anatomy and physiology most suitable, and the effect is reliable, easy to operate. We have used levator aponeurosis since 1994 to treat 35 cases of senile ptosis, received good results, reported as follows. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 General Information 35 patients in both eyes 30 cases, monocular 5 cases, a total of 65 eyes. There were 12 males and 23 females. Age 45 to 86 years old, average 65.5 years old. Preoperative examination of patients with visual acuity, eyelid ptosis, levator muscle strength, extraocular muscle motor function. This group of patients with levator muscle strength of 10 ~ 12 mm, the amount of sagging 4 ~ 6 mm, eye movement are normal. No levator muscle strength less than 6