The multi-modernity brought about by the modernization process is one of the most important historical forms in contemporary society. However, multiculturalism with pluralistic modernity is facing the dilemma of populism, relativism and cultural conflicts. Advocating universal wisdom that sticks to one dollar or emphasizes the thick traditions and differences is further aggravating this predicament. Multiculturalism has been pushed to an independent position that can not be assimilated by other schools of thought because of its unique elements of value - pluralism, coexistence and symbiosis. As a kind of value system, the development of multiculturalism itself reveals a set of contradictions it implies: cultural differences and human identities. Through the mutual stipulation of these two elements, multiculturalism derives the five principles of ethics coordinated with each other and provides a new perspective and approach to the construction of contemporary ethical order, thus becoming the only way to realize the community of human destiny.