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近来用放射状角膜切开术治疗近视,这是一种新的,但都是处于实验阶段的手术。Blodi认为:此手术尚须经仔细研究、提高,在其有效性及安全性确立以前不宜推广。有14位眼科医生,其中13位是大学的专职教授。他们于1980年3月15日参加了由美国亚特兰大,埃默里大学倡议召开的关于放射状角膜切开术治疗近视眼的讨论会。他们讨论了该手术的动物实验、手术适应症、手术本身情况、临床效果以及该手术在社会经济学方面的意义之后,得出以下结论: 1.放射状角膜切开术是一种屈光性角膜成型术。此手术可能减轻某些患者的近视。但在当前此手术仍为实验性的(美国华盛顿国立眼科咨询委员会亦同意上述意见)。 Recently, radial keratotomy for the treatment of myopia, which is a new, but are in the experimental stage of surgery. Blodi believes that: the surgery still needs careful study and improvement, and should not be promoted until its effectiveness and safety are established. There are 14 ophthalmologists, 13 of whom are full-time professors at universities. On March 15, 1980, they participated in a symposium on radial keratotomy for the treatment of myopia initiated by the University of Emory, Atlanta, USA. After discussing the animal experiments, surgical indications, the condition of the operation, the clinical effect and the socio-economic significance of the operation, they reached the following conclusions: 1. Radial keratotomy is a refractive cornea Forming. This procedure may reduce myopia in some patients. However, the surgery is still experimental at this time (the Washington National Eye Advisory Committee also agrees with the above comment).
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1月16 ̄18日,上海通用重工集团有限公司第四届经销单位代表大会在浙江舟山新华侨宾馆隆重举行,来自全国100多家经销单位代表在此欢聚一堂,共同参加了此次会议。会上,陈永强总裁
家住北京市昌平区某小区的张女士向物业公司交了一年的管理费1600元,签订了停车位租赁合同,约定在小区停放一辆宝马轿车。2006年1月29日晚, Ms. Zhang, who lives in a resi
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